Our Family Chess, Incorporated (OFCI) is a newly formed Non-Profit organization, registered and operating in the United States. Recognizing the correlation between chess and academics, OFCI is presenting chess in innovative ways to provide fascinating chess programs to help school-aged children, at risk kids and troubled youths with developing their learning skills; to enhance stronger problem solving skills amongst other useful qualities. OFCI also maintains and operates a global networking resource at thepeopleshelpline.ne. This networking infrastructure is intended to serve dual purposes; on the one hand providing a forum where people and community voices are heard around the world, showcasing or banking individual and/or community problems, and on the other hand providing philanthropists, charity groups, foundations and religious organizations with the needed resource to easily locate and resolve problems affecting people and communities around the world.
OFCI can be contact as follows:
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: P. O. BOX 4469, Silver Spring, MD 20914 USA
Tel: (301) 847 - 0166 or (877) 743 - 3189
Fax: (866) 288 - 7659
Tax ID: 26-3841831
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