(Important Note: Certain modules, features and pages may not be available to you until you sign-up as active member.)
The following disclosures are the information gathering and dissemination practices of Our Family Chess, Incorporated’s Website. These privacy policies are the bonds and commitments that bind all of our users, subscribers, members, officers and all concern with ourfamilychess.com.
We strive to protect the privacy of all our supporters, donors, subscribers and members’ financial and personal information at all times. We are committed to taking every possible step to ensure that the information they provided us is safeguarded at every stage and is used only for the purposes designated.
Personal Data Collection
In order to process financial transactions online it is necessary to collect some information: The name and address of the subscriber, donor or supporter, the type of debit or credit card, card numbers, expiration date, and the amount of the donation that is required to process the transactions.
Additionally, we collect telephone number, email address, birth and marriage anniversary information from supporters, donors and subscribers agreeing to provide them to verify card processing, to provide congratulatory complements and to contact those concerning events.
We also collect mailing address from subscribers, donors or supporters willing to provide one. From time to time we mail information about our activities to our members, supporters and subscribers.
In order to best serve our subscriber, donor or supporter, we acknowledged that if at any time a subscriber, donor or supporter wishes to have his or her name and personal information deleted from our records or if they would like to make changes to their personal information we would comply as quickly as possible.
In order to enroll / register as a member with us your personal information is required.
Information Security and Quality
We intend to protect the quality and integrity of our subscribers, donors and supporters’ personal identifiable information. Subscription or any forms of payment made on our website are secure to the fullest extent possible. We use strong 128-bit encryption through Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. SSL protects information as it is transferred through the Internet. We have implemented appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures, such as using industry-accepted encryption for transmission of credit card information, to help keep your information secure, accurate, current and complete.
We protect all paper files as well. Any personal information recorded on paper file is secured in a locked facility at all times. Only few senior administrative staff members have access to them. We use the IP address of our members to help diagnose problems with our servers and to administer our Website.
Disclosure to Third Parties
We do not rent, exchange or sell the e-mail addresses or financial information of our subscribers, donors or supporters. For the purpose of interacting with other members we advise that you use as personal information, handle names in the form of a unique identifier to enter interactive parts our Website. We do not share any Personal Information with any third parties. When enrolling or registering to take part in outsider tournaments on our website you may be require by the organizers to provide your name and address for prize award and certification purposes.
Links to Other Websites
We support all chess based activities for the general good of the game and we are committed to lending a helping hand, if we can afford to, in support of chess activities geared towards making the world a better place. We however disclaim responsibilities for their respective privacy policies and contents on their websites or their conducts.
Family and Children
Registration on ourfamilychess.com is by family up to 8 members in a family, which means that children of any age can fall within the family registration. However a single Individual may sign-up with the same liberty and privileges like family, but children under 13 years of age are allowed to register on their own or to participate outside the knowledge and consent of their parents and / or Guardian. We would not knowingly collect from, use or maintain personal information of children under age 13. We are the only web based chess organization providing one registration for the family as a whole. Do not misuse this offer by including others outside of your family for the purpose of meeting up with the maximum number of 8 members to a family. There is a 99 to 1 percent chances that it could ruin other opportunities where you least expected.
Public Chats & Forums
We have provided a separate Chat Room for families to chat with members of their families who may be living in another country to analyze their games and decide on moves while playing chess by consultation. Their opponents would not access their chat in any way and they also cannot access the chat of the opponent family over their games. We have provided another Chat Room where members of the opponent families can chat over games. We have also provided Forum where members can post chess related issues for general discussions which means that multiple families can engage in a conversation on issues matters to them. Please note that any information that is disclosed in the forum becomes public information. Kind words and gentleness are the criteria that embodied the policy here and please exercise caution when deciding to disclose personal information.
Amendments to this Privacy Policy
These privacy policies are subject to amendments from time to time and amendments becomes effective immediately upon posting. Information as to amendments would be circulated when posted and it is the responsibility of all to check for amendments periodically.
Contact Information
For response to your questions on these privacy policies or if you need to reach us please send email to [email protected] or send us a mail at: ourfamilychess.com, P. O. Box 4469, Silver Spring, MD 20914 USA.
Effective Date
This Privacy Statement is effective as of June 1, 2009.
Community Rules & Regulations
Here, at ourfamilychess.com, we value the human race and respect each and every person and their respective dealings with us. The manner in which we expect our members and potential members to interact with each other and with us on these premises is with the most cordial, gracious and moral considerations possible. Therefore, the following community rules and regulations shall govern all users / members interactions, conduct and activities on ourfamilychess.com at all times. By signing on and becoming a user or member of ourfamilychess.com the user / member agreed to comply with these community rules and regulations:
Membership registration to ourfamilychess.com is by family; that is to say one registration can cover all members of the family (up to 8 persons to a family) but with one handle name.
It is important that family members play chess games in consultation with each other or interact in consultation with each other in all events no matter if they lived in different countries around the world. Ourfamilychess.com has provided family members the tool (a special family chat room) exclusively for each family so that no one other members of their family alone can see and talk to each other.
The action or actions of each member of the family represent the family as a whole in all events. Therefore the challenge is to teach and build teamwork and graciousness in applied family virtues, knowing that the conduct of an individual member is important to the family as a whole.
The use of any form of sexually explicit languages or materials of any form is prohibited at all times.
No user / member or officer of ourfamilychess.com is allowed to threaten another or to use obscene languages of any form whatsoever or to express hatred or hateful languages against another at all times.
No user / member or officer is allowed to abuse another or use abusive, offensive or defamatory languages of any kind against another under no circumstances whatsoever.
Harassment of any kind is prohibited.
Using ourfamilychess.com for the purpose of gambling or betting is strictly prohibited. However, prize awards posted for or in various tournaments are not considered gambling and therefore are not prohibited.
It is strictly against ourfamilychess.com rules to use chess engines to play a game or games that are in progress against an opponent or opponents. Members risk forfeiture of their membership and all prize awards if the use of a chess engine is detected. (Users are warned that ourfamilychess.com carries sensitive devices that can easily detect the use of chess engines).
Family members, teams or clubs under one registration handle are allowed to consult-with each other on moves or any other aspect of a game or games in progress.
It is prohibited for users to use ourfamilychess.com to solicit for anything outside of the interest and approval of ourfamilychess.com authorized officials.
It is strictly prohibited to use or post sexually explicit materials or any offensive materials or images of any kind as your symbol or handle on your profile or anywhere on the ourfamilychess.com website.
It is strictly prohibited to interfere with or hack into ourfamilychess.com servers or to cause excessive load on its servers and / or to download bots or automated scripts to access ourfamilychess.com web pages.
It is strictly prohibited to interfere, disrupt, interrupt, alter or manipulate any of the functionality of our website in any way whatsoever.
It is strictly prohibited to use ourfamilychess.com to violate local, state, national and / or international policies, laws and regulations.
It is also prohibited to interfere or intrude the privacy of another member or user or officer of ourfamilychess.com or to use our website to interfere or intrude the privacy of members of the general public.
It is strictly prohibited to impersonate any member, user or staff of ourfamilychess.com.
It is strictly against our policy for an active member to allow, aid or facilitate another suspended or expelled or banned member to use their account either by logging them on to play against another or to participate in any events including participating in tournaments or forum etc.
Honorary membership is awarded at the discretion of our managing team and as approved by our Board of Directors.
It is against ourfamilychess.com policy and it is indeed unethical for a player, club or team to manipulate their rating by employing unusual means, order than the official rating system, for the primary purpose of increasing their ratings.
Users and members are to familiarize themselves with the rules of our Tournament Wizard before attempting to use it.
All of the above community rules and regulations are binding upon our members, officials and users of our website. By subscribing to our website and becoming a member or trial member you consented to have read all of these community rules and regulations and you agreed to abide by them to the letter. Therefore you agreed that violation of any of these rules and regulations may result to appropriate actions to be taken against any violator. Depending on the degree or magnitude of a violation, appropriate actions may be warning for a first offense if the circumstances warrant that; suspension of membership; expel or ban of membership and / or legal or disciplinary actions according to laws in the jurisdiction where the violation occurred. Ourfamilychess.com is a family oriented organization with objectives to uniting families and fostering friendship. Please help us achieve these goals by honoring these community rules and regulations.
You can recognize secure web pages by checking for the secure symbol at the bottom of your browser screen. For most browsers, this symbol is either a lock or a key. When the lock or key symbol appears the page is secure. When the lock or key is not evident, the page is insecure.